Top Questions

Q: How can I download iDeal?

A: We have two versions: Android and iOS. You can also find the download link on the Home page.

Q: I cannot find contact info/WeChat of the seller, what can I do?

A: There are two ways.
1. Leave a comment down below the item section and kindly ask for wechat/phone number.
2. Chat on iDeal (seller’s profile pic -> chat (“聊一聊”).

Q: There is no listing showing up on my homepage, what happened?

A: Try changing the “default location” to where you want to trade. (My->Default location). This happens because the items are associated with their geographic locations from where the seller posted them.

Q: Where can I find the application form on Life & Services?

A: Scroll down to the bottom part on Life & Services page

Q: Where can I find subleases?

A: iDeal Homepage -> Finding House.

Q: Is iDeal free to use?

A: Yes. iDeal is dedicated to provide free service for our users with no addition charge or service fee.

Q: Are my chat history and trade history confidential?

A: Yes. At iDeal, it is one of our core values to protect user’s privacy. iDeal implemented multiple measures to ensure chat history and trade history remain confidential.

Q: Are there any recommendation on floorplan in State College?

A: There are two posts introducing floorplan in State College.
PSU Park保姆级租房指南!十所小区倾情讲解,快来pick你的最爱!
PSU Park 保姆级租房指南(下篇)
You can also find more articles on our Official Account on WeChat! QR Code can be found below.

Q: I would like to offer feedback and suggestions on product features, how can I contact the team?

A: Feedback and suggestions are warmly welcomed. You are more than welcome to contact us at